Productive Conflicts: Advancing through Mindfulness
Are you feeling overwhelmed, and reacting out of emotion instead of logic? Taking just one minute can get you out of the cycle of unproductive thoughts. Take hold of something, whether it’s your coffee mug, a pen, or whatever you have nearby. Close your eyes and focus on what the object feels like. Move it around, think about how it feels on your skin. If you find your thoughts wandering, just refocus on the item in your hand for a few moments. That’s mindfulness, and it can be a powerful tool. To many, mindfulness is accompanied by a dismissive stigma, conjuring up images of yoga sessions on a mountain at sunset. Or maybe sticking candles in your ears. Dr. Karolien Notebaert, founder and CEO of One Step Ahead—Notebaert Consulting, is familiar with the negative associations. However, there is real value to be gained from being mindful — taking a step back from emotions, connecting with your senses, and using the opportunity to think rationally and critically. At the 2017 CFA Insti...