
Сообщения за июль, 2021

How to upskill Gen Z and engage them in a post-pandemic workplace

  According to a Barnes and Nobles report, 51% of Gen Z's learn best by doing. Image: Pexels. The current state of the world poses serious challenges to onboarding and training entry-level employees. But as digital natives, Gen Z employees are highly responsive learners, given the right tools and methods of learning. We explore how organizations can redesign their training programmes to suit this generation of talent. Deloitte refers to entry-level jobs as a “necessary training ground” for early career talent. However, retaining and upskilling young professionals at work seems ever more challenging now. The global pandemic has placed early career talent and fresh graduates in a challenging situation: Gen Z’s little to zero experience working in physical offices, lack of opportunities to socialize with (and learn from) their colleagues, and  poor onboarding  may end up becoming a huge turnover and skills gap problem. Upskilling Gen Z employees is not only a challenge in th...